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Quick Denture Repair is proud to say we serve The Villages, Florida. Call Quick Denture Repair for the quickest and most affordable denture repair in Lake County, Florida.
We provide a quick and affordable way to fix your broken dentures. We even make new partial dentures and provide a way to get new complete dentures as well as new flexible dentures. We are cheaper than any dental office in the area because we understand how important dentures are for those that rely on them for every day life. Another thing that makes our service different from the rest is that we offer a lifetime warranty on all repairs done by us at Quick Denture Repair.
When you have accidentally misplaced or broken your denture or partial, it often has a significant impact on your life. You might not be able to eat some foods or even want to smile. Nobody wants to go out in public missing teeth. All this hassle & simply because your false teeth might be broken or don't fit correctly.
We are the finest same-day denture repair lab in Florida. We make this bold statement because we can deliver faster service for a better price than any dental office in the area.
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We provide a wide range of professional denture repair services to meet your needs.
We promise to provide every customer with the highest level of customer service possible.
Denture repair is a common problem that many people face. Our company offers multiple types of denture repair in the Villages, Florida which we will discuss further below. We know how important dentures are to those who wear them so we've made sure to provide the best denture repair service you will find in Lake County, Florida. Even better than you're nearest dental office. We can fix acrylic dentures, metal dentures, or even flexible dentures.
Our denture service is a one of a kind for multiple reasons. We'll fix your denture in record time so you're not stuck waiting for multiple days or even weeks on end to get your denture back. By the way, no other denture repair facility will offer you a
lifetime guarantee on all repairs performed. This means that anything we fix, we guarantee will not break again or we fix it for free. Another reason
Quick Denture Repair provides better service is because we are open 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. We are always,
and we mean ALWAYS, available for our customers. This level of customer service attest to just how much we care about our clients and how far above the bar we are willing to go to earn your business and serve you the right way.
There are two types of dentures. The two main types of dentures are partial dentures and complete dentures. They are exactly what they sound like they are. Partial dentures partially replace the one or multiple teeth missing in your mouth. Complete dentures completely replace a full row of upper or lower teeth if you're missing most or all of your teeth.
Common problems people with dentures run into are things like when dentures begin cracking or splitting. When dentures break partially or completely. False teeth may fall out of the prosthetic and may even go missing. Sometimes an old denture or even a brand new denture from the dentist doesn’t fit correctly and can end up hurting your gums or even falling out. Both of these issues can lead to your dentures becoming damaged over time. Perhaps you're just dealing with a denture that is dirty and hard to get fully clean again after so many years of improper cleaning. Whatever the problem you're dealing with, we can solve it for you here at Quick Denture Repair.
The process of denture repair starts when you call us to schedule a time to drop off your dentures. The first thing we do is assess the damage and the proper way to fix the damage or make the adjustment. We will take a mold of your teeth to ensure you dentures are a custom fit. Repairing your denture may involve sanding and refining the broken portions of the denture in order to rejoin the pieces or it could also entail adding additional material to your denture whole again. Once we are finished repairing your denture we will make your dentures look like new again by giving them a good cleaning an polishing before returning them to you. So, if you need denture repair in The Villages, Florida, call Quick Denture Repair at 352-515-9936 today to save time and money.
Cleaning your dentures is just like cleaning your teeth. A preventative task that maintains & prolongs the health of your false teeth. However, if your teeth are past the point of preventing the buildup of debris, you can come to us to have them professionally cleaned to look like new again. If your dentures are in rough shape you don't have to just get new ones, as many dentists will push you to do. Instead, now you have the option to practically refurbish your worn and dirty dentures for a tremendously lower price than a set of new dentures would cost you.
We are ready and willing to clean your dentures like they've never been cleaned before. We will remove all hardened debris and plaque that has built on the exterior of your denture over time. The use high pressure water to remove any unseen debris and give your denture a good overall wash. We make sure to go above and beyond, serving our customers well by polishing their set of dentures until they have a shiny and smooth exterior surface. We can't forget to mention our final touch, we will sterilize your denture with antimicrobial denture wash to make sure your denture is as clean as possible. Your denture will be so clean they'll feel brand new. You'll feel guilty getting them dirty the next time you eat or drink something.
Dentures should fit snugly into place but not too tightly as this will cause discomfort when wearing them. The thing is that, longterm denture wearers may experience that their dentures no longer fit as efficiently as it did when it was new. Over an extended time of not having real teeth your jaw bone may experience something called bone resorption. This is when your jaw bone begins deteriorating from a lack of use related to having a lack of real teeth. This goes especially for people with full dentures. In this case a denture reline is the necessary action to take. We will reline your denture, adjusting it to fit you better.
There are two types of denture relines, hard relines and soft denture relines. Despite which one you get, what needs to happen when relining a denture is that the inside of the denture needs to fit perfectly to the outside of your gums. A hard denture reline start with reducing the acrylic material on the inside of the denture. Next, an acrylic putty solution is added to the inside of the denture. This putty solution is malleable and will form a new inner surface to your denture that fits your gums perfectly.
A soft denture reline is often the most popular choice for patients. This method of relining a denture may only last a year or two and may need adjustments more often than a hard reline would. However, it is usually more comfortable in the end. Patients who have sensitive gums or suffer from recurrent discomfort would be more interested in receiving a soft denture reline.
We are a full service denture laboratory. Your only other option to get your dentures repaired is from a dental office, who usually sends your denture out to denture lab like us anyways. A denture reline directly from a denture lab will be a different experience from a denture reline from a dentist's office visit. We will make the process simpler and easier.
Just schedule an appointment with us and we'll have your denture fixed and returned to you in a matter of hours.
Ready to get started?
Call us at 352-515-9936
Partial dentures can be made from acrylic, metal, plastic, porcelain, or a combination of these materials. We are able to repair most any type of dentures but when it comes to making a new set of partial dentures we can also make you a brand new acrylic partial denture in house for you.
Your existing partial denture will be beautifully restored by Quick Denture Repair. We make new acrylic partials with either metal or acrylic clasping. Clasping is the section of the partial that fits around your natural teeth and secures the partial in place. Because acrylic can be shaded to match the color of your gums, acrylic clasping will blend in more than metal clasping would and will look more natural when smiling.
Valplast partials are flexible partial denture. They are made out of a different material that allows them to bend and flex more without worries of cracking or breaking. They're harder to break because the material they're made out of can absorb the shock from accidents better than most other dentures. Due to these advantages the only drawback to flexible dentures is the price difference.
When we say flipper we don't mean the dolphin that was on TV. A flipper is a small denture that only replaces one or two missing teeth in a person's mouth. There are different style and methods of making a flipper but the picture to the left displays the basic idea of a flipper. It is a tooth usually attached to acrylic and/or metal clasping and fills in the gap with 1-2 false teeth.
By nature, dentures are meant to be custom to the person they are made for. There are however a lot of different variables when you think about all the differences that are possible within a person's mouth. The size of their mouth, the color of their teeth and gums, how many teeth they may or may not be missing, etc. Of course, this is not a problem for us to deal with here at Quick Denture Repair. As a matter of fact, we can customize your dentures even further than this. Here are some of the ways we can customize your denture or partial denture.
We are able to
match the color of your false teeth to the color of your real teeth so no one will be able to tell which teeth are real or fake. Speaking of coloring, a lot of the times
we can match the color of the acrylic denture material to closely resemble the color of your gums so that anyone who gets a view inside of your mouth won't be able to see anything abnormal or even tell that you have a denture in.
That's not the only way that we're able to customize your dentures either. If you're someone who likes putting your name on your personal possessions,
we can label your dentures as yours by putting your name on the inside of them. Now can mistake your dentures as their own ever again and just in case you lose yours, having your name inside of them increases your chances of them being able to be returned back to you.
A specialty feature that our company offers to our clients is the option to
anatomize your dentures. This means
we can give your denture life-like animation to look more real than your generic denture. Your denture will look more aesthetically pleasing and it won't be at all obvious that you're even wearing a denture.
Send us your broken dentures in the mail and we'll return them with a few days. It's not as fast as same day repairs but it's still a lot faster and cheaper than going to a dentist to repair your dentures.
Chances are your dentist will try to force you to just buy new dentures. However, we'll make your old dentures just like new without having to pay thousands of dollars.
Our goal is to make denture repair convenient and affordable for everyone in Florida, especiialy the Villages and surrounding areas. For this reason, you won't find any service better than ours.
Don't hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to saving you time and money while providing you with the best customer service possible. We're open 24/7 and always answer our phone, so gives us a call.
1631 Lake Villa Dr, Tavares, FL 32778